Azeyedraw (or write as well, i guess)

welcome to my site! I'm not really doing anything much, just some personal art and all that! Check out the site im hosted on here!

tbh, i think im gonna do some blogging as well, and since that stuffs actually easy, ill probs do that the most haha!

Stuff Im gonna do here

1.draw(duh!) Here! type beat stuff Here!

3.and a text adventure Here! well as a guestbook! Here!

tip: in my adv series, certain pages have stuff in the source code!!!! right click then press view page source 2 see!!!

Who AM i anyway?

glad you asked that, weird void im stuck in! names Az an artist

3.i also write stories

4.thats about it to be honest BUT WAIT THERES MORE!!!

I also like things that suck!

i mean, ive watched every single diamondbolt asylum review...